Viking Rune Stone Sweden

Exploring Scandinavian History Through Rune Stones


If you follow SÆR on Instagram (@saer.adventure), you may have noticed that I recently took a little time out to travel around Sweden. A lot of our products are hugely inspired by Scandinavian and Nordic countries, from the stunning landscapes, unique wooden buildings and my personal interest in Viking history. Sweden is full of ancient tales etched in stone, which have helped historians piece together a lot of the land's past. 

Sweden's rune stones, scattered throughout the picturesque landscape, offer a window into a bygone era, sharing stories of valour, love, and life's transient nature. Of course, I had to try to visit as many as possible! 

 Rune Stone Vallentuna SwedenVallentuna Church

Photo taken in Vallentuna, Sweden. Vallentuna Church 1190.

What Are Runestones? Unveiling the Mysteries of Ancient Carvings

Every rune stone holds a story – sometimes a heroic saga, sometimes a heartfelt sentiment, and sometimes even a dash of mystery. These stones were like billboards of the past, sharing the deeds of warriors, commemorating fallen heroes, and celebrating family ties. They're like time capsules that transport us to a time when Vikings roamed and myths were born.

There has been an estimate of up to 2,500 rune stones discovered in Sweden. Only a few hundred of these were from Pagan times. 

Pagan Roots: A Symbolic Tapestry

Before the advent of Christianity, the Norse people held a deep connection with the natural world and their gods, an intricate belief system woven into their daily lives. Rune stones, adorned with Pagan symbols and inscriptions, embodied this spiritual connection. Intricate carvings of animals, mythic creatures, and cosmic patterns graced these stones, offering insights into the beliefs that guided the Viking Age.

Common Themes on Rune Stones:

  • Memorials: Many rune stones pay homage to those who have passed away. These inscriptions often recount heroic deeds and the accomplishments of the deceased.
  • Family Ties: Family ties were vital in Viking culture, and rune stones sometimes express deep sentiments between family members.
  • Religious Significance: Some rune stones touch on religious themes, invoking the power of the Norse gods or invoking blessings for the deceased's journey to the afterlife.
  • Historical Events: Rune stones also commemorate important historical events, battles, and conquests.

Deciphering the Code: Messages in Futhark

So, how do we make sense of these rune stones? It's like solving a puzzle from the past. Runologists, those history detectives, study these inscriptions to decode their hidden meanings. And let's not forget the intricate symbols – like snakes and crosses – that pepper these stones. They're like secret clues, waiting for us to uncover the history of the land.

Imagine the hands of a Viking craftsman painstakingly chiselling these symbols onto stones. Each rune was more than just a letter; it carried a world of significance.

The runic alphabet used on rune stones is known as the "Futhark." The term "Futhark" is derived from the first six letters of this runic script, which are "F," "U," "Þ" (pronounced as "th"), "A," "R," and "K." Just like our modern alphabet, the Futhark consists of individual characters that represent specific sounds, and these characters were used for various purposes, including writing inscriptions on rune stones.

The Futhark alphabet evolved over time and was used for writing in various Germanic languages, primarily Old Norse. It went through several versions, with the most well-known ones being the Elder Futhark and the Younger Futhark.

Painted Rune Stone Sweden

Photo taken at Historiska Museet, Stockholm. A repainted rune stone to display how rune stones once appeared.  


The Snake: A Symbol of Transformation

The serpent, coiled and sinuous, was more than just a creature of the wild; it held symbolic significance in many ancient cultures. In the context of rune stones, the snake often represented a powerful symbol of transformation and change. Just as the snake sheds its skin, revealing a renewed form, the rune stones, with their inscriptions and narratives, conveyed the idea of transition and evolution. The snake's presence on these stones might have been a reminder of the cyclical nature of life, the journey of the soul, and the inevitability of change.

In Norse mythology, snakes also held connections to the cosmic world tree, Yggdrasil. The serpent Nidhogg gnawed at the roots of the tree, symbolising the interconnectedness of all things. This concept resonated with the Viking belief in the intricate links between the different realms of existence.

After speaking with a guide I was told that if the snake was connected, biting its tail then the story was finished. You can also identify the age of the rune stone by the shape of the snake's eye, growing larger and more oval as the Viking years passed by. 

Jarlabanke Runestones

Photo- Jarlabanke Runestones

Where to Find Runestones in Sweden

A land rich in protected history, you can find Rune Stones in just about any quarter of Sweden. Here are some popular destinations:

  1. Uppland: If you're a true rune enthusiast, Uppland is your haven. This region boasts the highest concentration of rune stones in Sweden. Wander through the fields of Gamla Uppsala and unearth the secrets of stones like the Rök Stone and the Kjula Runestone.
  2. Gotland: The island of Gotland is another hidden gem for rune seekers. Home to the famous Stora Hammars stone, this island provides an opportunity to explore Viking history against a stunning coastal backdrop.
  3. Södermanland: For those near Stockholm, Södermanland offers a glimpse into the past. Check out the picturesque countryside and the striking Sparlösa Runestone.
  4. Öland: Known for its natural beauty, Öland also houses rune stones that narrate tales of ancient adventures. The Ismantorp Fortress area is a treasure trove of these fascinating artifacts.
  5. Dalarna: Head inland to Dalarna to find the charming village of Stentorp. Here, you'll find the Ransarby Runestone, offering a unique glimpse into local history.

 I also highly recommend visiting Stockholm's Historiska Museet, which is full of amazing Viking artefacts including a collection of unique rune stones. 

Viking Swords

Viking swords on display at Stockholms, Historiska Museet

Unleash the Viking Within

"The North Man" isn't just a candle; it's a vessel that carries the very essence of the legendary Vikings. Imagine the scent of rugged forests, brisk sea air, and the warmth of a roaring fire – all captured within this hand-poured creation. With each gentle flicker, let yourself be swept away to the age of longships and untamed exploration.